In comparison to the native grasshopper Offset component, our component doesn't delete the self intersected sections of the polyline but keep them in case you need them for further processing.
In case of a curve, the target plane is the plane perpendicular to the start point of the curve.Grasshopper split curve at intersection Split List Null Item Replace Nulls Sift Pattern Longest List Clean Tree Graft Tree SimpliW Tree Trim Tree Enb,vine Flip Matrix Match Tree Shift Paths Stream Filter Relative Item Tree Branch Construct Path Path Compare a o Flatten Tree Prune Tree T ree Sta tistics Unflatten Tree Explode Tree Merge Path Mapper Split Tree Stream Gate Relative Items Params Maths Sets Vector Curve Surface Mesh Intersect Transform Display Firefly 0 000 00 * a 0 00 o Plane Surface Geometry Cache Vector Circular Arc Rectangle 0 8rep Mesh Face Twisted Box Geometry Geometry Pipeline Transform Number Slider Boolean Toggle Control h«ob MD Slider Calendar Colour Picker Colour Wheel Graph Mapper Atom Data